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- Thursday, Dec. 28
Thursday, Dec. 28

Physiology seminar, orthopaedic grand rounds highlight upcoming events
Several interesting events are scheduled for the upcoming weeks at the Medical Center.
Friday, Jan. 5

Duke orthopaedist to offer Grand Rounds bundle
Dr. Michael Bolognesi, professor of orthopaedic surgery and chairman of the Division of Arthroplasty at Duke University, will give the Grand Rounds presentation, “The First Year in the Bundle: What Have We Learned?” from 7-8 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 5, in room CW 308 of the Classroom Wing.
For more information, call Christy McCollum at 5-3161 or email her at cmccollum4@umc.edu.
Monday, Jan. 8
Dr. Kedra Wallace, UMMC assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology, will give the presentation, “HELLP Syndrome: An Overview of Molecular and Neurobehavioral Changes” from 3-4 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 8, in Classroom 6A.
This event, open to all students, faculty and staff, is sponsored by the Department of Cell and Molecular biology.
Refreshments will be provided.
For more information, call Kennsie Johnson at 4-1505.
Monday-Tuesday, Jan. 8-9

Vermont professor to cover eclampsia, stroke during presentations
Dr. Marilyn J. Cipolla, professor of neurological sciences at the University of Vermont’s Larner College of Medicine, Burlington, will give a pair of presentations Jan. 8-9.
Cipolla will discuss “The Vascular Biology of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia” at noon on Monday, Jan. 8, in classroom R153 (lower amphitheatre), and “Targeting Brain Arterioles for Acute Stroke Treatment” at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 9, in classroom N318.
The presentations are sponsored by the Department of Pharmacology and the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences. For more information about either presentation, call Pam Banks at 4-1690 or email her at pbanks@umc.edu.